Učenici 6.a i 8.b razreda uz vodstvo knjižničarke Anite Račman i nastavnica Maje Gligorov-Radić i Tatjane Kristek, sudjeluju u eTwinning projektu St Valentine cards exchange.
Zemlje koje sudjeluju u projektu:
- Belgija
- Francuska
- Hrvatska
- Italija
- Španjolska
Winter and COVID makes life difficult for our students…but there is still LOVE!
As St. Valentine’s Day is coming it is a great occasion to talk with students about love, how they understand it, what it is for them, what it can be for other people, what kinds of love there are. We would also like to share love by writing small poems, rhymes, definitions of love on big postcards that we will send to each of the partner countries.
We would after decorate our schools with this” love” we have received from everywhere.